

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Office District Project, Samagra Shiksha Balrampur, District- Balrampur-Ramanujganj (C.G.).

Regarding applying till 10/12/2024 for imparting Rani Lakshmibai self-defense training in the schools running in district Balrampur-Ramanujganj (C.G.).

04/12/2024 31/12/2024 View (829 KB)
Office Incharge Medical Officer Rewatpur District Balrampur-Ramanujganj (C.G.).

Publication of tender for providing food to the patients admitted in Primary Health Center Revatpur.

28/11/2024 28/12/2024 View (4 MB)
Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer Balrampur, District Balrampur-Ramanujganj (C.G.).

Regarding publishing the revised priority list of N.o-ICU, CHO, Counselor, examination date, time, venue and roll number of all the posts.

28/11/2024 28/12/2024 View (2 MB) 1 CHO Merrit and Roll Number (3 MB) 2 Jr.SA-NHM, Jr.SA-UHWC, NO-ICU Merrit and Roll No., MPW (1 MB) 3 MO-RBSK-F, LT-NHM, LT-DPHL, SA-IMMU, SA-SNCU (432 KB) 4 OA, LA-NIDDCP, MO-RBSK-M, COUN Merrit and Roll No, SN-NRC (645 KB) 5 DS, HWC SANG, IV CLASS, SN-UHWC, SN-NBSU (671 KB) 6 NO-NMHP, SN-SNCU, NO-NHM-ICU, PHYSIO, OT, LS-STLS, SG (528 KB) 7 ANM, ANM-RBSK, AUDIO, CLEANER, AYA BAI, BPM, AMO (519 KB)